
we bought a plane!

A 1965 Cessna 182, to be specific. How, you might ask, did that come about? Good question. My husband took flight training in college, working part-time jobs and finding time between classes to support this particular interest until earning his PPL (private pilot’s license). But flying takes time and resources, and once he was certified, he focused elsewhere. A few years ago, he decided to find out what it might take to get back in the air. As it happens, his original flight instructor is still in operation and was happy to assist him in this effort. And then — what to fly? We could’ve rented, borrowed, or joined a club (yes, flying clubs exist). But we decided to buy a plane, and we’re exploring the area around our home in Minnesota, venturing further and further afield. We’re learning as we go, and sharing our experiences here.

All photos were taken by the Seeking Attitudes team; please request permission to use them.